Awarded 2023
NSF REU Site: Combinatorics and Coding Theory in the Tropics, University of Puerto Rico, Ponce, $435,207, 2024-2026. PI: Fernando Piñero and Co-PI: Pamela E. Harris,
Awarded 2022
NSF MPS-ASCEND EM ($997,128), 9/1/2022-8/31/2025, A Postdoc Community of Mentoring and Networking, Carnegie Mellon University.
PI: Michael Young, Co-PIs: Pamela E. Harris, Tera Jordan , Moses Ntam, and Jennifer Ross -
NSA Graduate Research Workshop in Combinatorics, Iowa State University, Iowa
$24,921, 2023-2024 PI: Steve Butler, CoPIs: Pamela E. Harris, Bernard Lidicky ́, Tyrrell McAllister, and Florian Pfender, Awarded fall 2022.
Awarded 2021
Marion and Jasper Whiting Foundation Fellowship, $13,601, 2021-2022
Parking Functions and Combinatorial Structures, Williams College -
American Institute of Mathematics, SQuaREs, 2021-2024
Peak and Descent Polytopes PIs: Federico Castillo, Anastasia Chavez, Alexander Diaz-Lopez, Laura Escobar, Pamela E. Harris, and Erik Insko.
Awarded 2020
National Science Foundation, Timed for a Successful Career: NSF/AWM Travel Grants for Women in Mathematical Sciences, Association for Women in Mathematics, DMS #2015440, $499, 278.00, 7/1/20220-6/30/2023.
PI: Lily Khadjavi, Co-PIs: Shari L. Moscow, Anna L. Mazzucato, Rebecca E. Garcia, and Pamela E. Harris. -
Tensor-SUMMA Grant, 2020-2021 Lathisms: Latinxs and Hispanics in the Mathematical Sciences, $2,500, Williams College. PI: Pamela E. Harris, Co-PIs: Luis Sordo Vieira, Alicia Prieto-Langarica, Vanessa Rivera-Quinones, Rosaura Uscanga, and Andres R. Vindas Meĺendez.
Awarded 2019
Tensor-SUMMA Grant, 2019-2020 Lathisms: Latinxs and Hispanics in the Mathematical Sciences, $6,000, Williams College. PI: Pamela E. Harris, Co-PIs: Alicia Prieto-Langarica, Gabriel Sosa, Luis Sordo Vieira, Vanessa Rivera-Quinones, Rosaura Uscanga, and Andres R. Vindas Meĺendez
Awarded 2018
National Security Agency, Enhancing the Mathematical Sciences Component of the 2018 SACNAS National Conference, 2018-2019, Villanova University, $24,920. PI: Alexander Diaz-Lopes, Co-PI: Pamela E. Harris and Luis Melara
American Mathematical Society, $3,300, February 2018
Travel grant for 2018 International Congress of Mathematicians -
Tensor-SUMMA Grant, 2018-2019 Lathisms: Latinxs and Hispanics in the Mathematical Sciences, $5,851, Villanova University. PI: Alexander Diaz-Lopez, Co-PIs: Pamela E. Harris, Alicia Prieto-Langarica, Gabriel Sosa
AWM-ADVANCE grant travel award $1,200, January 2018
Awarded 2017
National Science Foundation, Enhancing the Mathematical Sciences Component of the 2017 SACNAS National Conference DMS-1743331, 2017-2018, SACNAS, $49,991. PI: Pamela E. Harris, Co-PI: Alexander Diaz-Lopez, Antonia Franco, Dagan Karp, and Shannon Talbott.
Clay Mathematics Institute travel award $1,600.
National Science Foundation, FURST Collaboration Grant DMS-1620202, 2017-2019, Williams College, $22,000.
Tensor-SUMMA Grant, Minorities in Mathematics Speaker Series (MIMSS), Special Program Grant, Williams College, 2017-2018, $6,000. PI: Pamela E. Harris. Co-PIs: Marco V. Martinez and Alicia Prieto-Langarica.
Supplemental funding for travel to Villadolid, Spain, Williams College, $3500.
ADVANCE grant travel award $400.
AMS-MRC-NSF Mathematical Research Community Collaboration Grant, $850.
Awarded 2016
National Science Foundation, Enhancing the Mathematical Sciences Component of the 2016 SACNAS National Conference DMS-1643235, 2016-2017, SACNAS, $49,945. PI: Pamela E. Harris, Co-PI: Antonia Franco, Dagan Karp, Candice Price, and Shannon Talbott.
National Security Agency, SACNAS Scientific Symposia Sessions in Mathematics, Williams College, 2016-2017, $20,700. PI: Pamela E. Harris, Co-PI: Shannon Talbott.
Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics, CURM mini-grant, Combinatorial representation theory of Lie algebras, 2016-2017, Williams College, $18,500.
Travel Award for SACNAS 2016, Williams College, Office for Institutional Diversity and Equity, $6,867.
Tensor-SUMMA Grant, Minorities in Mathematics Speaker Series (MIMSS), Special Program Grant, North Central College, 2016-2017, $6,000. PI: Marco V. Martinez. Co-PIs: Pamela E. Harris and Alicia Prieto-Langarica.
AWM-NSF Travel Grant, 2016, Williams College, $2,885.
Awarded 2015
National Security Agency, SACNAS Scientific Symposia Sessions in Mathematics, Spe- cial Program Grant (H98230-15-1-0091), Moravian College, 2015-2016, $15,000. PI: Pamela E. Harris and Shannon Talbott.
Faculty Development Research Fund, Combinatorial approaches to computing weight multiplicities, 2015-2016, $2,675.
National Science Foundation, SACNAS Scientific Symposia Sessions in Mathematics, Conference Grant DMS-1545136, Moravian College, 2015-2016, $13,148. PI: Shannon Talbott, Co-PI: Pamela E. Harris.
Tensor-SUMMA Grant, Minorities in Mathematics Speaker Series (MIMSS), Special Program Grant, Youngstown State University, 2015-2016, $6,000. PI: Alicia Prieto- Langarica. Co-PIs: Pamela E. Harris and Marco V. Martinez.
United States Military Academy, Minorities in Mathematics Speaker Series, Center for Diversity and Leadership in STEM, 2015-2016, $5,000.
Faculty Development Research Fund, United States Military Academy, 2014-2015, $2,600.
AMS-MRC-NSF Mathematical Research Community Collaboration Grant, 2014-2015, $850.
Awarded 2014
National Science Foundation, SACNAS Scientific Symposia Sessions in Mathematics, Conference Grant DMS-1419383, Moravian College, 2014-2015, $13,600. PI: Shannon Talbott, Co-PIs: Pamela E. Harris, Candice Price.
United States Military Academy, Women of Color in the Mathematical Sciences Speaker Series, Center for Diversity and Leadership in STEM, 2014-2015, $6,000.
AWM-NSF Travel Grant, 2014, $1,000.
Midwest WIMS 2014 Collaboration Funding
Collaborators: Malena Español and Alicia Prieto-Langarica, $454.
Collaborator: Alejandra Alvarado, $290.
Awarded 2013
Army Research Office, Collaborative Research Efforts to Describe and Enumerate the Support of Kostant’s Weight Multiplicity Formula, United States Military Academy, 2013-2014, $4,516.
Faculty Development Research Fund, United States Military Academy, 2013-2014, $1,200.
National Security Agency, Underrepresented Students in Topology and Algebra Research Symposium, Conference Grant, Funded Proposal #120904, 2014-2015, $15,000. PIs: Pamela E. Harris and Candice Price.
Awarded 2012
National Science Foundation, Underrepresented Students in Topology and Algebra Re- search Symposium, Conference Grant DMS-1317928, Purdue University, 2012-2013, $25,000. PI: Edray Goins, Co-PIs: Alejandra Alvarado, Pamela E. Harris, Candice Price, Shannon Talbott.
United States Military Academy, Women of Color in the Mathematical Sciences Speaker Series, Center for Diversity and Leadership in STEM, 2012-2013, $4,000.
Faculty Development Research Fund, United States Military Academy, 2012-2013, $1,608.
AMS-Simons Travel Grant, 2012-2014, $4,000.