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DEI Workshop For REU Directors And Faculty Mentors

The Center for Minorities in the Mathematical Sciences is hosting “Creating A Better Summer Experience: A DEI Workshop For REU Directors And Faculty Mentors” registration is open now:

Workshop Date: May 22nd, 2021

Registration Deadline: May 9th, 2021

Description: Research experiences for undergraduates have become ubiquitous in mathematics and participation in such programs is used as a tool to measure graduate school readiness by many graduate programs. Yet many programs have not addressed the needs of students who have been historically excluded from mathematics so that they may thrive in these summer programs. This workshop will provide the tools to assist with mentoring underrepresented and minoritized students in mathematics. We invite REU directors and faculty research mentors, preference will be given to faculty teams involved in summer 2021 summer research programs, to attend the sessions where we discuss building supportive communities of scholars, the science of mentoring, as well as a summary of lessons learned from NSF CORE grant on supporting students of color in the mathematical sciences.

A certificate of participation will be provided for those attendees completing pre-workshop and post-workshop reflections. Participation is limited.

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